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Pure Pain Relief In
18 Seconds (100% Success
Rate In Clinical Studies)

“Kevin, she wasn’t sleeping with
her eyes open... she was dead!”

My mother said this to me, with tears in her eyes, as I wheeled her through the nursing home.

“Locking her up” in that place was the last thing I wanted to do.

But the chronic pain in her joints and nerves had progressed too far.

My mother needed professional medical help.

Help that I couldn’t give her.

So we were touring a nursing home that day.

But as I wheeled her through the hallways…

All we could see were empty shells of former human beings, lining the hallways.

Their faces either blank or grotesquely contorted. It was eerily quiet too.

All I could hear were the beeping of life support machines and the dull buzz of daytime TV.

Shaking my head, I realized…

The Nursing Home was a
Modern-Day Graveyard...

Filled with people who were as good as dead…
and others just waiting to die.

We had to get out of there.

As I hurriedly wheeled my mother out of the building, she continued, while sobbing:

“Kevin, I’m telling you —
we were singing to a DEAD woman the whole time. And nobody even knew it.

That’s how I’m going to end up.”

You see, many years ago…

When My Mother Was a Child,
She Had Volunteered to Help Out
at a Local Nursing Home.

Together with several other children, she sang Christmas carols to the nursing home residents.

It was supposed to help “cheer them up”.

One time, the carolers stood at the doorway of a resident’s room, singing “Silent Night”.

To the children, it looked like the resident was listening…

Or sleeping with her eyes open, at least.

But they found out later… The resident had been DEAD the whole time.

And my mother—along with the other kids—had been singing to
a corpse.

THAT was the kind of place the nursing home was to my mother.

But what could we do?

My Mother had So Much
Pain in Her Knees and Hands…

She was trapped in her wheelchair.
We were all out of hope.

But as morbid as that all seemed at the time and as hopeless as things seemed then…

Today, I’m glad to say our story has a happy ending. My mother did NOT end up in a nursing home.

And with a bit of extra help she’s no longer plagued by joint and nerve pain.

She doesn’t even need her wheelchair anymore!

So how did she do it?

Well, if you struggle with pain in your joints or nerves…

You’ll want to see the breakthrough that saved my mother’s life.

You see, the answer to my mother’s joint and nerve pain didn’t
come from:

Harmful pills…
Or even dieting or exercising.

The Breakthrough We Needed
Came From Something
Called “Contrast Therapy”

It’s a special protocol that involves
alternating between hot and cold (high
and low temperatures), in a very specific way…

Which then triggers a soothing wave of pain-relieving molecules—an effect that occurs naturally inside your body.

As a result, this protocol gives you amazing relief.

Best of all?

It starts working in just 18 seconds. And it's so easy, it can be done in the comfort of your home...
No special equipment needed.

And it’s all thanks to contrast therapy that my mother was able to reverse the pain in her joints and nerves.

And YOU can too. That’s why I wrote this article.

  • So if you suffer from joint pain—whether it’s in your knees, back, shoulders, neck or elsewhere…
  • Or if nerve pain plagues your feet and hands…

This may be the most important thing you’ve read all year.

Because not only did it save my mother’s life…

It’s helping thousands of regular men and women, just like you, break free from pain.

Folks like Tom, Margaret and Susan, Who Wrote in to Say:

“I was told my only hope was a total knee replacement.”

“I was told my only hope was a total knee replacement. Yet thanks to this solution of yours, I skipped the opioids and surgery, and feel like new.

That's right—I licked ‘bone-on-bone’ arthritis with no surgery or drugs.”

- Tom Birch (71), Florida

Margaret Yarrow reported…

“I can play with my
grandchildren again!”

“I was so depressed from always having to say ‘NO’ to my family and friends because of my pain. I felt powerless because I couldn’t do things for myself like I used to.

But now, the pain in my fingers, hips and shoulders is gone!

I can now garden, open a jar, button a shirt, reach into the cupboard, and best of all—even pick up and play with my grandchildren again!”

- Margaret Yarrow (58), California

And let’s not forget Susan Nanchez, who said…

“I can do the things I love for the first time in many, MANY years.”

“I was almost a cripple from arthritis and old age. But now, by using this, my pain has gone down so much that I am now enjoying my life, and doing the things I love, for the first time in many, many years.”

- Susan Nanchez (69), Missouri

But that’s not all…

Because what I’m about to show you is SO powerful…

It has Been Proven, Across 6 Different Clinical Studies, to have a 100% Success Rate in Reducing Pain1 !

So if you find yourself wishing you could “turn back the clock” on your body…

  • And return to a time when you could do all the ordinary things in life, WITHOUT pain…
  • Things like tending to your garden, traveling, or playing golf with your buddies…
  • Or if you just want to have the vibrant energy to play with your grandkids, and be the “fun” grandparent again…

This is for you.

Even if your doctor says your joints are “too far gone” because of wear-and-tear...

Or if your nerves feel frayed…

Or even if you’re the victim of a surgery that backfired and caused more health problems than it fixed…

Let me repeat: This is for you.

Now, I know it’s a big promise…

But I Can Say All That Confidently Because This New Form of Contrast Therapy Saved My Mother’s Life...

And it gave her back the freedom she’d
worked so hard for, her entire life.

Instead of being stuck in a wheelchair because of her painful knees and nerves…

She’s now living independently again.


If you no longer want to feel trapped in a
pain-riddled body…
If you DON’T want to resort to surgery…
And if you’re sick
of popping fistfuls
of pills…

Then read on. I promise it’ll be worth it.

Ok, but before I get too carried away…

Let me introduce myself.

I’m Kevin Richardson**.

I’ve been a medical researcher for nearly 20 years now.

Today, I am the lead researcher at an institute called N-Labs.

You may have seen us featured in publications like NBC, USA Today and more.

I’m proud of the work we’ve done together.

To date, we’ve helped over 86,000 people solve their health problems… Allowing them to have active, happy lives.

We’ve even gone somewhat “viral”…

With Over 5.7 Million Visitors
Checking Out Our Research, and the Natural Solutions We’ve Developed...

You may be surprised to hear that despite all my experience…

Not too long ago, I was completely stumped when my mother’s health took a severe turn for the worse.

You see, my mother has always been my hero. She raised me as a single mom.

Fiercely independent, and always willing to go the extra mile to help others…

She always put us, her children, before herself.

That’s Why It Shocked Me to See Her Health Plummet in a Few, Short Years...

It started with her knees.
But then the pain got worse and worse.

As it spread to her back and shoulders.

At the time, I figured it was just a part of aging.

But her condition quickly deteriorated.

And before we knew it…

She was suffering from both joint and nerve pain and she could barely get around.

Doctors said surgery might be the only option.

But I knew about all the risks.

For example…

Did You Know That Studies
Show That 1 in 5 People End Up Dissatisfied with Surgery2?

It’s for the simple reason that
it didn’t give them the relief they were expecting.

And here’s something knee surgeons will NEVER tell you.

You see, not too long ago…

Dr. Joseph Bernstein***, an Ivy League doctor, wrote a report that revealed 1 in 200 people DIE within 90 days of getting knee surgery3 !

That’s a shockingly high number.

So knowing this, my mother tried all the pills and painkillers recommended by her doctor.

As expected, they either didn’t work or caused severe side effects.

They created more problems than they solved.

And with no real solution on the horizon…

My mother’s pain continued to get worse.

But a few months ago, something happened and it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

You See,
I had Just Finished Work, and Decided to Head Over to My Mother’s House...

When I arrived, I rang the doorbell
but no one answered.

Which was strange…

Because my mother was supposed to be home that day.

So I circled around to the backyard, wondering where she was.

That’s when I heard her cry out.

I instantly sprang into action, fearing that something bad had happened.

The backdoor was locked, so I immediately grabbed a nearby shovel and broke into
the house…

Only to Find That My Mother
had Been TRAPPED Inside the Bathroom for Hours!

After getting in, I immediately rushed
to open the door for her…

I found her sobbing inside, practically collapsed on the cold tile floor.

She had been stuck there for hours…

Because the pain in her hands and knees had gotten so bad…

She couldn’t turn the doorknob on the bathroom door.

She had been trapped because of the pain.

I hugged her, and cried with her.

After that incident, even though I converted all the doorknobs inside the house into handles…

I knew it wasn’t a long-term solution.

My mother’s pain was progressing rapidly and she was quickly losing her ability to live independently.

But we both knew the nursing home would be as good as a death sentence for her.

Yet, We had Already Tried
All the “Conventional” Solutions...

No pill, diet, or exercise program had helped her.

We even tried “alternative” treatments like CBD, acupuncture, and “music therapy”.

But those didn’t work, either.

Eventually, my mother got so desperate, she even considered using an intrathecal morphine pump.

This is a small pump that is placed directly INTO your spine, surgically.

And it pumps painkillers like morphine, straight into your body.

But that would only mask the symptoms of pain.

It wouldn’t fix the root cause of my mother’s pain…

Nevermind the harmful side effects of having painkillers pumped directly into her spine.

I had to Try Something Different...

So, the very next day, I asked to
take a few weeks off from work.

I was going to dedicate all my time to figuring out a solution for my mother.

I spent all day and night, deep in research papers...

Trying to understand WHY nothing was solving my mother’s pain problem.

Everywhere I looked, they said that joint pain couldn’t be reversed.

That nerve pain could only be managed.

Maybe you’ve been told something similar too?

If so, don’t lose hope.

Because just when I felt my research was at a dead end…

I Stumbled Across a Bizarre
Case Study of a Man Who Completely CURED His Chronic Pain...

It was recorded as a famous case study in the
BMJ or British Medical Journal***.

The man was a former athlete, who was suffering from severe chronic pain.

Out of desperation…

He jumped off a rocky outcrop, into open waters—which were at a freezing temperature…

And like some sort of miracle, it completely CURED his chronic pain condition4 !

This result completely stumped medical experts. But many believed that the freezing cold might have had an effect.

It was nothing short of a miracle.

Now, I Know What You’re Thinking…

But don’t worry, you won’t have to
dive into freezing cold water to get pain relief.

That being said, this case study gave me the thread of hope I needed.

It led me down the rabbit hole and to the TRUE root cause of pain

I discovered why Big Pharma would rather have you popping pills left and right—instead of fixing the actual problem.

And once you see the truth, you’ll be shocked by how simple the solution is.

And everything you’ve heard about pain…

Whether it concerns your cartilage, nerves or anything else…

None of that Matters, UNLESS
You Fix the ROOT Cause…

Which all starts from here:

Yes, this weird-looking thing is a blood vessel.

Blood vessels are the “pipes” that transport blood and oxygen to all parts of your body.

Both blood flow and oxygen are needed for your joints and nerves to stay healthy.

I like to refer to the combination of blood flow and oxygen as oxygen flow, for short.

I know “oxygen and blood flow” might sound mundane and ordinary…

But You’ll Be Shocked to Hear Exactly How Powerful This Oxygen Flow Can Be.

Case in point:

By using oxygen flow, doctors from New Orleans practically brought a child back from the dead.

Here’s what happened:

Two-year-old Eden Carlson had been pronounced brain-dead after drowning…

But these doctors were able to pump extremely high levels of oxygen to her brain, through something called a hyperbaric chamber.

These extremely high levels of oxygen were able to reverse brain damage, and revive her6 !

As you can see…

Oxygen Flow is More Than Just Something to Do With Breathing...

It’s the literal lifeblood that
all your organs, joints and nerves need.

And it is the reason why so many medical experts recommend exercising—because it promotes more oxygen flow.

But I’m not talking about simply “breathing” more or moving around a bit.

I’m talking about the essential oxygen flow your joints and nerves need to stay healthy and pain-free.

And when you lack oxygen flow…

That’s when the pain kicks in.

In Medical Terms, the Lack of
Oxygen Flow Is Called “Hypoxia”.

And you should know…

Hypoxia can happen, even if you have NO problems breathing right now.

While most doctors are focused on synovial fluid, the wear-and-tear of cartilage, and so on…

New studies show that if you have hypoxia, NONE of that stuff even matters.

A groundbreaking study from the Lawson Health Research Institute*** has proven this7.

In that study, the researchers discovered ONE major difference: painful joints received less oxygen flow, versus healthy ones.

And that ONE difference was how much oxygen flow each joint got.

By the end of the study, their results showed…

Less oxygen equals
inflamed, painful joints.

On the Flip Side…

They also discovered that
more oxygen equals healthy, pain-free joints.

So, if we break this down into simple terms…

This means:

MORE oxygen flow is GOOD.

Less oxygen flow is BAD.

Keep this in mind, as we continue.

In short, the lack of oxygen flow is THE key factor that makes pain worse9.

And it can lead to some severe consequences too.

Case in point…

In a study published by the prestigious Journal of Biomedical Science***

Researchers discovered that when your joints don’t get enough oxygen flow, this can result in:

  • Death of bone tissue…
  • Abnormal energy metabolism…
  • And of course, inflammation and pain.

In the worst-case scenario, when your bones and joints don’t get enough oxygen flow, their tissues die11.

And you may end up stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of your life…

Or in a situation where a nursing home is the only option left.

In short, all these studies point to just one thing:

Oxygen Flow Is the
Most Important Thing Your Joints
and Nerves Need to Stay Healthy

So, how do you know if you need more of it?

Well, there are a few symptoms of hypoxia.

First off, joint pain is the obvious one.

The pain happens when there isn’t enough oxygen being carried to your joints.

Because without oxygen, your joints can’t repair themselves12.

So over time, your joints break down, and bone-on-bone pain happens.

Second, inflammation.

If inflammation is a problem for your joints, you should know it’s one of the symptoms of joint hypoxia13.

Last but not least, if you’ve been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis or RA...

It’s likely you have hypoxia—scientists have discovered that the two often go together14.

But as I mentioned earlier…

This Isn’t About Trying
to “Breathe” in More Oxygen.

Unfortunately, fixing joint hypoxia isn’t that simple.

What’s more, getting extremely high levels of oxygen into your body can be very expensive.

For example, obtaining your own hyperbaric oxygen chamber—which is the machine the New Orleans doctors used to bring Eden Carlson back from the dead - can cost you up to $17,00015.

So that’s a no-go.

Luckily, you won’t have to pay 5-figure amounts to get more oxygen flow.

Remember how I said it all starts from your blood vessels?

Well, I said that because it’s true.

You see, this might sound like common sense…

But One of the Easiest Ways to
Increase How Much Oxygen You Get
Is to Increase Blood Flow.

Because oxygen travels around your body through your blood.

In simple terms:
MORE blood flow means
MORE oxygen to your joints16 17.

That’s why I call it oxygen flow.

So, how can you increase oxygen flow throughout your body?

Well, one of the best ways…

WITHOUT shelling out $17,000 for a hyperbaric chamber…

Is to use contrast therapy, which is what I mentioned earlier.

So, what exactly is that?

In simple terms,

Contrast therapy is the process of alternating between hot and cold to promote more oxygen flow.

Now, you’ve probably heard about using an ice pack or a hot pack, when you have pain or an injury.

But did you know that doing BOTH is actually the most optimal way to relieve pain?

Here’s why:

When You Use an Ice Pack, It Causes Something Called “Vasoconstriction”.

That is, it makes your blood vessels shrink18.

On the other hand…

Heat packs do the opposite.

They cause vasodilation, and make your blood vessels expand.

In short...

Coldness makes your
blood vessels SHRINK.

Heat makes your
blood vessels EXPAND.

And can you guess what that does for your oxygen flow?

Well, it creates a “squeezing” motion that acts like a pump19.

Think of this as something similar to squeezing water out of a squeeze-top
water bottle.

In the same way...

Alternating between hot and cold makes your blood vessels act like a pump...

Which pushes out more blood, increasing oxygen flow.

And THAT’S what contrast therapy does for you.

Dr. David Oliver*** Explains
This “Pumping Effect” Best.

He says that heat dilates blood vessels,
and ice constricts them.

According to him:

Doing that back-and-forth over time actually pumps [blood] in and out of the area [affected by pain].20

What’s more…

Studies show that contrast therapy is extremely effective for increasing blood flow, reducing muscle stiffness, and of course, relieving pain21!

In particular, researchers from South Korea have shown that contrast therapy aids blood flow, decreases inflammation, and eases stiffness of your muscles.

And because contrast therapy is all about alternating between hot and cold…

It causes your blood vessels to experience the pumping effect…

Which Then Increases Oxygen Flow
and Ultimately Reduces Pain.

So how do you actually start using
contrast therapy for more oxygen flow?

Well, some of the more traditional ways involve using heat wraps and ice packs.

An even more uncomfortable way is to use a bathtub, alternating between hot and freezing cold water.

In fact, after realizing that contrast therapy could be a powerful solution for my mother’s pain problem…

I suggested she try it out.

But an ice bath was WAY too cold for her…

And she immediately wanted to get out.

I didn’t blame her.

And if you don’t want to endure a freezing ice bath for 20 minutes at a time…

Don’t worry.

I DID Find a Much Better Way to Get the Pain-Relieving Benefits of Contrast Therapy—Without the Inconvenience.

But at the time, I didn’t know exactly how.

So for several days, I was tearing my hair out, wondering how I could get the benefits of contrast therapy…

Without having to go through the inconvenience and discomfort of an ice bath.

But one night, the answer hit me
in the face when I was least expecting it.

You see, I’m a big fan of spicy food…

And that night at dinner, I’d ordered a Mexican chili soup called “chilate de pollo”.

It was WAY spicier than I’d thought it would be…

And while I was sweating buckets because of the burning sensation in my mouth and stomach...

THAT’S when it hit me.

Hot and cold could be SIMULATED.

Which meant…

My mother didn’t have to use a heat wrap or an ice pack…

All I had to do was MIMIC the hot-and-cold effect of contrast therapy.

And that’s what led me to the method I’m about to show you.

What’s even better is…

With This Method, the Pain Relief Starts Working In as Quickly as 18 Seconds…

And the effect lasts for up to 6 hours,
every time you use it!

You see, the chili incident made me think about what actually CAUSED the heat.

So that’s where I started digging deeper into the mechanics.

Let me explain:

The heat and spiciness I experienced had come from a natural compound called Capsaicin.

Capsaicin is found inside chili peppers, and it causes a burning sensation.

I realized it could play a pivotal role in pain relief.

But you might be wondering…

How could something that CAUSES pain, relieve it?

Well, capsaicin can provide the first part of what we need for contrast therapy—the “hot sensation”.

And studies have shown that it not only works fast

It is also extremely effective for reducing pain.

For example, a research professor from Imperial College London*** discovered that a single application of capsaicin, on patients who suffered from pain, provided pain-relieving effects for up to 12 weeks23!

Here’s how capsaicin works:

The capsaicin inside
chili peppers activates TRPV1,
a protein in human cells.

And This Protein’s Job
Is to Sense Heat24.

This mechanism creates a
“heated” response that fights pain.

That’s why the “hot” effect of capsaicin was perfect for what I needed.

What’s more, it goes a step further, making it even more effective than regular heat…

Because it’s also able to deplete your body of a chemical called “Substance P” 25.

Substance P is a special chemical inside your nerves that transmits pain26.

So when Substance P is reduced, your body literally feels less pain.

But more than just that…

In another study, researchers compared 6 different studies that tested capsaicin for its effectiveness on pain.

To My Surprise…

EVERY single study revealed that
it provided pain relief to the participants27.

This means it had a 100% success rate for relieving pain…

And for some of the patients, it resulted in as much as 70% LESS pain than a placebo28!

That’s like cutting down your existing pain by MORE than two-thirds.

So imagine getting THAT much soothing relief from using capsaicin!

Best of all, although the participants did experience a slight burning sensation from the capsaicin, no serious side effects were reported.

All in all, multiple studies have shown it’s safe to use.

But remember, the heat is what we want. You don’t want to be EATING chili peppers directly.

Doing so can cause an upset stomach because of the spice.

Luckily, there’s a much better way to get capsaicin WITHOUT eating it…

But before I tell you what it is, let me quickly cover the second—and equally important—part of this at-home contrast therapy protocol.

Remember, contrast therapy involves ALTERNATING between hot and cold.

Now, we’ve covered the heat part with capsaicin…

What About the Cold Effect?

Well, after digging through stacks of research papers…

I narrowed it down to just ONE ingredient.

And you may have heard about it before…

But probably not in the way I’m about to show you.

The “cold” part of this protocol involves a chemical called “menthol”.

Now, menthol might have a bad reputation from its association with tobacco.

But in reality, there’s nothing unnatural or harmful about menthol.

You see, menthol is naturally found in peppermint and other mint plants30.

And the truth is, menthol was first added to tobacco in the 1920s and 30s to reduce the “harshness” of cigarette smoke31...

Tobacco makers added menthol to add a hint of “freshness” that mint provides.

Of course, if you’ve ever tried mint-flavored chewing gum or toothpaste, you’re probably familiar with menthol.

In Fact, Scientists Have
Even Experimented
With Menthol Chewing Gum
in Various Studies32...

But here’s what I want to
draw your attention to:

Ever notice how “cold”
it gets inside your mouth when you chew a breath mint?

It gets even colder if you drink liquids after chewing the mint.

Did you catch the hint?

I’m sure you’ve put two and two together:

Because Menthol Could
Provide the “Cooling” Effect…

It was EXACTLY what I needed.

Remember, contrast therapy is all about alternating between hot and cold.

  • You've seen how capsaicin can provide the heat...
  • And now you know, menthol can provide the coldness!

What’s more…

Studies show it does more than just provide cooling relief…

It’s also extremely effective for reducing pain!

Case in point…

Scientists from the University of Southern Denmark*** gathered patients suffering from acute pain in their hands and arms, and treated them with menthol.

And After Just 60 Minutes…

They were shocked to see that menthol had reduced the patients’ pain scores by 33%!

As you can see on this graph33

At hour “zero”, although both the menthol and placebo groups start at the same pain score…

Almost immediately, the dotted line representing the menthol group falls—meaning that the patients' pain had decreased by nearly 30% in next to no time.

And That’s Not All…

Another study from the Englewood Hospital Medical Center*** has proven that menthol provides lasting pain relief34.

The researchers had gathered patients who were suffering from pain, and split them into two groups.

One group was given a placebo, while the other group—which consisted of 152 people—was given a menthol treatment.

And to everyone’s surprise…

When the pain scores of the treatment group were measured on Day 14, their scores had decreased by 49%!

That’s nearly HALF of the pain gone.

What’s More,
90.8% Of the Patients Were Extremely Satisfied With the Menthol Treatment.

That means 9 out of 10 people
LOVED how much pain relief they got!

Most importantly…

Multiple clinical studies
have found that menthol IS safe to use for pain relief35.

So with capsaicin providing the “heat”...

And menthol providing the “cooling” effect...

I Had Everything I Needed to
Start the Protocol for My Mother.

The studies proved that
this combination would WORK.

The only thing left was to test it in the real world...

And help my mother get her life back.

I immediately reached out to my contacts…

And set out to get a prototype ready.

Something that would combine both capsaicin and menthol.

The lab experts told me that for targeted relief…

A roll-on gel would be the most effective.

A Roll-on Could Deliver
Both Capsaicin and Menthol
to Specific Areas of Pain…

And it would be better than consuming something strong like capsaicin directly...

Since taking it as a supplement could cause an upset stomach.

Not to mention…

Using a roll-on has also been shown to offer FASTER pain relief…

Because the ingredients inside the gel don’t have to go through your digestive system...

Instead, they can get straight to the problem areas.

This also means a roll-on is more efficient—since the ingredients don’t “spread” to places where you don’t need them.

One Study Even
Showed That Roll-on Gels Helped Chronic Pain Patients Stop Using
Opioids Completely.

So it was evident that roll-ons are extremely effective.

And with all the compelling reasons for using a roll-on, the way forward was clear.

After finalizing the ingredients…

I sent the prototype order in…

And a few weeks later, I had the roll-on gel ready for testing.

It was the moment of truth.

The Roll-on HAD to Work.

After opening the roll-on, I immediately
applied the gel onto my mother’s knees.

I tested only a little of it on her at first...

And though I knew it would be powerful, its efficacy was evident the moment I looked at my mother:

Her face lit up instantly.

She said she could feel the coldness and heat alternating in her knees…

And after that passed, she literally felt the pain melting away.

Then, within a few more minutes…

She Was Even Able to Get Up From Her Wheelchair, With a Little Help From Me!

The most shocking thing of all
was that my mother said…

She was no longer experiencing the horrific bone-on-bone pain, for the first time in years.

In the past, the joints in her knees felt like someone had poured hot sand in between them

And the grinding of each joint against the other caused immense pain.

But now?

She Could Walk—Bit by Bit—Again!

After seeing this near-miracle, I immediately applied the gel to her hands and back as well.

And just like it happened with her knees…

She said the pain faded away
in a matter of seconds.

Of course, it wasn’t gone 100%...

But it was enough that the pain would be FAR more manageable.

Most importantly, it allowed her to move around on her own again.

She was able to exercise and take slow walks too, because the pain went from a 10 to something closer to a 3. (The best part? The pain relief lasted for 6 hours!)

And with this new remedy, her strength returned…

And eventually, she was even able to stop using the wheelchair!

I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was, on the day my mother stood up on her own...

And With Her Own Two Hands…

Removed ALL of the converted
door handles in her house.

She was convinced she would NEVER need those again.

Not long after, word got out.

And my mother’s friends started asking what the heck had transformed her health so dramatically.

Being in their golden years, each of her friends suffered from aches and soreness all over their bodies.

And after I explained everything that had happened…

Her friends started asking me for the roll-on gel, so they could try it for themselves...

They wanted to experience the same pain relief.

At the time, I only had one prototype that I had gotten for my mother…

So I immediately reached out to my suppliers and contacts as well as

And worked with them to produce the roll-on gel at scale…

And That’s How SolarMax Was Born!

As you might have guessed…

SolarMax is a roll-on gel that contains both capsaicin and menthol.

The COMBINATION of these two powerful ingredients is what gives the hot-cold effect for maximum pain relief.

After the prototype was tested…

I worked with the top researchers at N-Labs to “complete” the formula with even MORE potent pain-relieving ingredients.

They include:

Yerba Mate

A type of tea leaf shown to have strong anti-inflammatory benefits36.

Calendula Officinalis

A rare herb used to help wounds heal faster.

Like yerba mate, it also has anti-inflammatory properties37.

Our research also uncovered another powerful pain-reliever:

Eucalyptus Oil

Yes, the leafy plant that koalas eat!

What you might not know is that scientists have discovered that eucalyptus oil reduces pain.

It does that by dulling the “pain response” inside your nerves.

In fact, it’s so effective…

  • Studies show that just “inhaling” the oil is enough to provide soothing relief!
  • Several more studies show that eucalyptus oil also provides anti-inflammatory benefits38 39.

So adding it to SolarMax was a no-brainer.

Now, I’ve Covered 3 of These
“Bonus” Pain-Relieving Ingredients…

But they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

Through extensive research…

We actually discovered more than 15 ingredients that have been shown in clinical studies to be effective for supporting healthy joints and reducing pain.

So we combined them ALL in the final formula of SolarMax

With the star ingredients—capsaicin and menthol.

And that’s why SolarMax is the ONLY pain reliever that covers ALL your bases, when it comes to pain.

Nothing even comes remotely close to relieving pain FAST like SolarMax.

And that’s thanks to the combination of all the powerful ingredients inside it.

And don’t forget…

In the review of the 6 different studies that I showed you earlier…

  • We’ve seen that it has a 100% success rate…
  • And it's been shown to relieve pain by as much as 70%!

Best of all…

  • It’s completely safe to use40 41.

SolarMax Lets You Reclaim
Your Pain-Free Life…

So that you’re able to enjoy your golden years.

No more bone-on-bone joint agony or nerve pain.

Just imagine it.

What’s the first thing you’d do, once those throbbing pains and nagging aches are gone?

Enjoy a few rounds of golf with your buddies?

Tend to your garden?

Or maybe you could go traveling again, without worrying about the “pain aftermath” that usually comes after being active.

Anyway, whatever your thing might be…

That Future Is Yours With SolarMax.

Now, of course, to turn this into reality…

Means you need to get SolarMax first.

I’ll show how you can do that, in a second...

And I’ll tell you why you won’t risk a penny to get your own supply.

But first…

I have to give you a fair warning.

Ever since I started sharing SolaxMax online…

I’ve been receiving emails from many folks about getting multiple bottles

They saw that the longer they took it, the more lasting relief they got for their joints.

And they all wanted the LONG-TERM PAIN RELIEF, so they kept asking for multiple bottles.

And as a Result, It’s Caused an Explosive Demand for SolarMax !

Combine this with the fact that the pandemic has caused supply-chain issues worldwide…

This means the ingredients we can source for each batch are limited.

And with the other logistics?

It takes up to 6 months for each restock.

And when explosive demand meets limited supply…

It means we’re constantly running low on stock.

And since this page is the ONLY place you can get SolarMax...

You don’t want to put off this decision, or you could miss out completely.

But once you DO have your own supply...

You’ll notice the pain-relieving effects in no time.

Remember, studies have shown that the ingredients inside SolarMax provide pain relief within the SAME hour you use it… And it starts working in as little as 18 seconds.

Which, I’m Sure You’ll Agree,
Is Extremely Quick.

However, it’s important to note…

The participants in many of these studies used the ingredients inside SolarMax for around 12 weeks.

As such, you should keep using SolarMax long-term for the best results.

And based on these clinical studies…

I’d Recommend That You Use SolarMax for at Least 90 Days.

Remember, it’s completely safe to use

And it ensures the pain stays away.

  • You’ll never need to worry about getting surgery again…
  • And you’ll actually be able to enjoy quality time with your family and friends…

Instead of being a “bystander” because the pain is stopping you from being active.

And this means you can finally start enjoying the golden years you’ve worked so hard for!

How does a future like that sound?

Great, I bet.

On that note, let me ask you…

What would a future like that
be worth to you?

$1,000? $10,000? $50,000?

I know it’s hard to put a price tag on it.

But I did it to illustrate a point.

Without mobility,
there is no freedom.

You can’t enjoy life at all.

In my mother’s case, the pain resulted in her being stuck in a wheelchair.

But today, as you’ve seen…

That’s no longer the case.

Like Her, You Can Be
Easily Freed From Pain.

I knew how valuable a future like that would be.

So when the financial team recommended we price SolarMax at $249 per bottle, I didn’t flinch.

The powerful ingredients inside SolarMax are, without a doubt, worth it.

I saw their incredible efficacy with my own eyes.

But this isn’t about profit. It’s about changing lives.

I knew $249 would put SolarMax out of reach for many folks.

So I pushed back against this price.

I explained to them how this was bigger than us.

And we’d be doing folks a disservice by putting SolarMax out of reach at $249 per bottle.

Luckily, they saw things my way.

That’s why today…

You’re not going to pay $249 for a bottle of SolarMax.

You won’t even pay $89, which is how much it’s listed for on our website.

No, You’re Going to Get Your
Own Supply For a Low Price
of $89 $59 Per Bottle!

And we’ll cover your shipping too, so you’ll save $12.95.

That alone gives you a whopping 33% off!

But I didn’t stop there.

Because so many folks were ordering multiple bottles of this roll-on for themselves and their loved ones…

I’ve decided to offer an even STEEPER discount when you order in bulk today.

Because getting multiple bottles tells me you’re truly serious about getting pain relief.

And it also shows me your commitment…

Because it Means You Never
Want to Run Out of SolarMax.

And to help you on that front...

When you order the 3-bottle package...

You’ll get your supply of SolarMax
for $49 per bottle!

Plus, we’ll pay for priority US shipping too...

Which means you’ll get your supply at practically HALF-price.

And if you’re truly dead-set on getting the best results possible?

You should choose the 6-bottle package, which brings your per-bottle price down to a low $33.

Again, with the 6-bottle package, I’ll also give you free US priority shipping, valued at $12.95...

Which means in total, you’re getting a staggering discount of almost 63% off!

And since each bottle of SolarMax should last you roughly 30 days…

$33 per bottle boils down to $1.10 a day.

That’s practically
a dollar a day.

Take a moment to think of all the daily things you spend more than a dollar on…

That only brings a tiny fraction of the joy SolarMax
would give you when you finally get the pain relief
you’re craving.

Wouldn’t you agree that investing a little more than a dollar a day is worth it?

I’m sure you’d agree.

That’s why the smart decision here is to take advantage of the
3- or 6-bottle package

And to make this decision even SMARTER...

I’m here to throw in the kitchen sink too.

Because ordering the 3- or 6-bottle packages shows me how serious you are about your health.

And I want to match that commitment.

That’s Why I’m Going to Throw in
3 Extra Bonuses if You Choose either the 3- Or 6-Bottle Option.

Let me just say this right now, to be super clear:

These bonuses are NOT a requirement. SolarMax alone is enough to soothe your pain.

However, I'm giving you these extra bonuses because I like to reward folks for their commitment.

So here are the extra bonuses you’ll get with the multi-bottle packages.

The first one is called:

Bonus #1:

“5 Deep Breathing Exercises to
Soothe Stiffness and Increase Happiness”

and it retails for $29.

There is scientific and anecdotal evidence that relaxation techniques help reduce stress, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain.

This guide highlights my five favorite quick breathing exercises that help reduce stress and pain in under 30 minutes.

These exercises are enjoyable, and many people do them first thing in the morning.

As for the second bonus…

It’s called:

Bonus #2:

“Massage Therapist at Your Fingertips:
7 Easy DIY Massages for Instant Pain Relief”

and it retails for $39.

Self-massage is a simple, convenient way to enjoy the benefits of massage therapy. And it can be done in the comfort of your own home—for free.

I know many people who practice this when they are having stiff and sore days but can’t get an appointment with a massage therapist.

I’ve included 7 very easy massages that will help you loosen up and relax in no time.

And last but not least…

The final bonus is called:

Bonus #3:

“Creating a “Pain-Free” Home Sanctuary to Prevent Injury and Fight Gravity Aches”

and it retails for $39.

We’ve all been spending a bit more time in our homes over the last couple of years.

It’s made us all want to spruce things up, and make our homes sanctuaries.

This guide helps you create a “pain-free” home, to prevent potential falls and injuries.

You’ll Get All Three of
These Bonuses Worth $107 for Free, With the Multi-Bottle Packages.

Again, you DON’T have to
get these bonuses to be pain-free.

I repeat.

DON’T feel pressured to get these guides.

They’re there as a complementary resource.

SolarMax alone is more than enough.

The only reason I’m throwing these bonuses in for free with the
3- and 6-bottle packages, is to match your commitment.

So, Now’s the Time to Choose the Package That’s Right for You.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

Once you’ve done that…

  • You’ll finally be free from that pain that’s been following you around for years.
  • You’ll have more energy to do the things you love.

Once SolarMax makes you pain-free, you’ll feel years younger, and ready to get on with your life.

And you’ll know…

It’s all thanks to the wise decision you made to try SolarMax today.

But make sure to note...

You WON’T find SolarMax on Amazon,
at retailers or anywhere else.

We’re cutting out the middleman to keep prices as low as possible for you.

So this is the ONLY place you can order it.

And remember, your $348.95 in savings with the multi-bottle package is only available while we have stock.

As Soon as Supply Runs Out…

Our tech team will take down this page
immediately to prevent backorders.

And as I mentioned earlier…

Due to the pandemic and how it has affected supply chains…

It can take as long as 6 months
to get a new batch of SolarMax.

So if you leave now, without ordering…

We may already be out of stock, by the time you come back.

When you’re ready, pick the 3- or 6-bottle package now to get the best bang for your buck.

(Or whichever package is right for you.)

You should see 3 options below this page.

If You’re Reading This on Your Phone, You Might Have to Scroll Down a Bit.

Once you’ve scrolled down,
click the buy button on the package you want.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

Oh and I should mention…

No Matter Which Package You Choose, You’re Covered by Our 365-Day
Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee.

365 Days Money Back Guarantee

At Nutriomo Labs Pte Ltd, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us.

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied, or your money back.

You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong. Give SolarMax a try and see the difference it would bring to your life.

If at any time you are not happy with SolarMax, just send back your empty bottles and we will refund you immediately.

No questions asked.

We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

Which is a 3-step promise:

  • One. You must experience soothing pain relief within seconds of using SolarMax.
  • Two. This pain relief must last for at least 2 hours, each time you use it.
  • Three. You must start enjoying your golden years.

Unless SolarMax fulfills all three of these promises… I’ll give you a FULL refund within 365 days.

No questions asked.

That Gives You An ENTIRE Year
to Try SolarMax Out.

What’s more… it doesn’t matter
if you’ve used up all the bottles.

Just email or call our friendly customer service team...

And we’ll refund EVERY single penny.

That means you’re not “buying” anything today.

The only decision you’re making today is to take SolarMax for a test run for the next 365 days.

Now, I can tell you until I’m blue in the face that this will change your life.

  • I’ve shown you the studies…
  • I’ve told you my mother’s story…

But I know I’m just one person.

That’s why if you are still unsure...

I Urge You to Listen to the Thousands of Other Men and Women Who’ve Used This Formula to Change Their Lives.

Jenny wrote me this:

“It lasts longer than anything else…”

“I was under the impression that this was only available to resellers like doctors and chiropractors. But then I found it online and I LOVE this stuff! I love that I can put it on myself with no mess!

One word of warning, please test with a small amount first. It’s very strong. And it lasts MUCH longer than any commercial-style, brand-name cream.”

- Jenny T. (65), Oklahoma

Rick Kalico Sr said…

“I can play golf again!”

“The worst thing about my joint pain was I couldn’t walk with my wife anymore, which she loved, and I couldn't golf with my buddies anymore.

Well, that’s no longer the case, ever since I have been applying SolarMax. It has reduced my pain so much that now I can comfortably walk every morning with my wife, and I can also play round after round of golf with my friends.

Thank you for this breakthrough pain reliever.”

- Rick K. (67), Idaho

And Letroy Alexander raves…

“I have ZERO pain now.”

“I have zero pain now, and I am sleeping like a baby every night.”

- Letroy A. (51), New York

Kilee sent me this email:

“When Biofreeze isn’t enough…”

“When Biofreeze isn’t enough…I started using this. I keep my bottle on-hand, 24/7. Works really well for muscle spasms, if you massage it into the problem area.

Just wash your hands afterwards or you’ll make a huge mistake of rubbing your eyes. (SERIOUSLY).”

- Kilee H. (73), Wyoming

And Jan said this…

“This works better
than ANYTHING else.”

“Absolutely one of my favorite pain relief items. I suffer from chronic pain, and finding anything that works is a small miracle.

I have purchased this in the past a few times, but have always kept trying other things (you name it, I’ve tried it...probably twice).

This product works far better than most to relax tight and sore muscles. I will warn you not to use the product and then go work out in the heat, because it will create an intense burning sensation.

Give it a try. The only thing you have to lose is pain.”

- Jan B. (81), Texas

And last but not least, Vicki insists…

“Lasts LONG…”

“I bought this on the recommendation of my sister who heard about it from her acupuncturist.

Because of a recent episode with blood clots in my leg and both lungs, I am on blood thinners. I can no longer use NSAIDs for pain, so I have been searching for pain relief options.

THIS is giving me the relief I need for my shoulders and hands. Obviously, it's more long-lasting on my shoulders, since they don't get washed as often as my hands 😏.”

- Vicki P. (59), Utah

So if You’re Ready, Scroll Down and Click the Buy Button Below!

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

Now, This Page is About to End
and You’re at a Crossroads.

  • I’ve shown you all the science.
  • I’ve shown you how important oxygen flow is for your joints and nerves.

Without it, they’ll suffer from hypoxia…

Which literally means those joint tissues and nerves die.

Of course, you could choose to ignore everything you’ve seen today.

And I’d harbor no hard feelings even if you did that.

But consider this.

If you do nothing today,
what will change?

You’ll Go Back to Your Usual Routine...

But this will only result in
more and more pain over the years.

In the worst case scenario...

You’ll have to resort to undergoing expensive surgery.

But you’ve also seen why that can cause more problems than it will solve.

Ultimately, this all means it’s only a matter of time before you lose your independence completely

And the golden years you worked so hard for, will be gone in a puff of smoke.

Now, it wasn’t your fault that you suffered from pain in the past.

You didn’t know there was a REAL solution that could actually help you.

But Now You KNOW
What the Core Issue is...

And you KNOW that the quickest
and easiest way to obtain pain relief is to start using the powerful ingredients inside SolarMax.

And with this knowledge...

It’s now YOUR responsibility to act.

If you don’t act today…

The next time you’re up at night, with the pain coursing through your body...

You’ll get that sinking feeling as you realize things are only going to get worse.

And you’ll think back to the opportunity you missed today.

And even if you decide to come back to this page to order SolarMax...

We Might Have Run
Out of Stock By Then...

Because others have already taken
the leap and ordered their supply.

That means you’ll be waiting up to 6 months.

That’s 180 days of waiting.

Instead of experiencing the joy of soothing relief.

At that point, wouldn’t you think back to this moment and regret not taking action?

If the answer is even a “maybe…”

You'd be wise to take the smarter, second path.

And say YES right now.

You’ll Get Your Own Supply
of SolarMax Today with Our
365-Day Money Back Guarantee...

Which means you truly have NOTHING
lose but EVERYTHING to gain.

I’ve shown you exactly how my mother freed herself from pain.

And now I want to show you the way.

And I’ve done everything I can to make the first step easy for you.

But I can’t take it for you.

  • So now’s YOUR turn to start experiencing soothing pain relief.
  • Now it’s YOUR turn to wake up every morning, feeling energized and refreshed.
  • Now it’s YOUR turn to feel 10–20 years younger, in a pain-free body!

All of this can be yours when you take the first step.

So Hover Your Mouse Over
the Order Button. Click it...

And fill in the information requested on the next page.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

And After You’ve Ordered...

You won't be alone.

Because I’ll stay in touch with you every single day via email.

I’ll be making sure you get all the information, motivation and support you need to succeed.

But that can only happen after you take the first step.

Move your mouse or scroll down with your phone...

And click on the buy button.

Now’s your final chance to take SolarMax for a 365-day trial run.

And you’re doing it for as low as $1.10 a day.

And when you order the 3- or 6-bottle package, we’ll cover your US shipping costs AND you’ll get up to $348.95 in value. Completely FREE.

Plus, if you order
either of these multi-bottle packages…

I’ll Also Throw in the
3 Bonuses I Mentioned Earlier,
to Match Your Commitment.

These bonuses are:

  • “5 Deep Breathing Exercises to Soothe Stiffness and Increase Happiness”
  • “Massage Therapist at Your Fingertips:
    7 Easy DIY Massages for Instant Pain Relief”
  • “Creating a “Pain-Free” Home Sanctuary to Prevent Injury and Fight Gravity Aches”

If You’re on Mobile,
You Might Need to Scroll Down to
See the “Get Relief Now” Button...

When you see that button, click it.
Then fill out your details on the next page
and you’ll be on your way to your new pain-free life.

I can’t wait to hear your success story with SolarMax!

I’ll see you on the other side.

I’m Kevin Richardson, and thanks for reading.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

Frequently Asked Questions

Ah, I see you’re still here. That means you’ve got questions. Let’s go through them now.

No, this is a one-time purchase!

We won’t bill you again. So order with peace of mind!

SolarMax works best for anyone who wants targeted pain relief for joint or nerve pain.

It offers soothing relief to specific areas of pain in your knees, feet, hands, back, shoulders and so on.

Because SolarMax is a roll-on gel, it’s easy to apply!

There are many clinical studies that show that the ingredients inside SolarMax provide rapid pain relief.

For example, in one review, researchers compared 6 different studies that tested capsaicin for its effectiveness on pain.

Remember, EVERY single study revealed that the participants experienced pain relief…

  • Which means it had a 100% success rate for relieving pain…
  • And for certain patients, it resulted in as much as 70% LESS pain, compared to a placebo!
  • Best of all, no serious side effects were reported.

As for menthol

There are multiple studies that show menthol is effective for relieving pain too.

Scientists from the University of Southern Denmark gathered patients suffering from acute pain in their hands and arms, and treated them with menthol.

And after just 60 minutes…

They were shocked to see that menthol had reduced the patients' pain scores by 33%44!

Not to mention, there are plenty of REAL people who’ve gotten REAL pain relief from SolarMax too!

People like...

Rick Kalico Sr, who said…

“I can play golf again!”

“The worst thing about my joint pain was I couldn’t walk with my wife anymore, which she loved, and I couldn't golf with my buddies anymore.

Well, that’s no longer the case, ever since I have been applying SolarMax. It has reduced my pain so much that now I can comfortably walk every morning with my wife, and I can also play round after round of golf with my friends.

Thank you for this breakthrough pain reliever.”

- Rick K. (67), Idaho

And Susan Nanchez, who revealed…

“I can do the things I love, for the first time in many, MANY years.”

“I was almost a cripple from arthritis and old age. But now, by using SolarMax, my pain has gone down so much that I am now enjoying my life, and doing the things I love, for the first time in many, many years.”

- Susan N. (69), Missouri

And Letroy Alexander, who raves…

“I have ZERO pain now.”

“I have zero pain now, and I am sleeping like a baby every night.”

- Letroy A. (51), New York

Kilee sent me this email:

“When Biofreeze isn’t enough…”

“When Biofreeze isn’t enough…I started using this. I keep my bottle on-hand, 24/7. Works really well for muscle spasms, if you massage it into the problem area. Just wash your hands afterwards or you’ll make a huge mistake of rubbing your eyes. (SERIOUSLY).”

- Kilee H. (73), Wyoming

And Jan, who said this…

“This works better than ANYTHING else.”

“Absolutely one of my favorite pain relief items. I suffer from chronic pain, and finding anything that works is a small miracle. I have purchased this in the past a few times, but have always kept trying other things (you name it, I’ve tried it...probably twice).

This product works far better than most to relax tight and sore muscles. I will warn you not to use the product and then go work out in the heat, because it will create an intense burning sensation. Give it a try. The only thing you have to lose is pain.”

- Jan B. (81), Texas

And last but not least, Vicki insists…

“Lasts LONG…”

“I bought this on the recommendation of my sister who heard about it from her acupuncturist. Because of a recent episode with blood clots in my leg and both lungs, I am on blood thinners. I can no longer use NSAIDs for pain, so I have been searching for pain relief options.

THIS is giving me the relief I need for my shoulders and hands. Obviously, it's more long-lasting on my shoulders, since they don't get washed as often as my hands 😏.”

- Vicki P. (59), Utah

SolarMax is easy to use.

Simply uncap the bottle, and apply the roll-on gel to anywhere you’re feeling pain.

Make sure to keep the gel away from your face, as it can cause a burning sensation due to the capsaicin in it.

Studies show it starts working in as quickly as 18 seconds

And it can provide lasting relief for up to 2 hours per application!

(Insider tip: If you are using it for the first time, test it on a small patch of your skin first. Also, make sure to wait 30 seconds before applying a second layer. This is a very strong formula—a little goes a long way.)

No, you can only get SolarMax on this page.

You won’t find it in retail stores or on Amazon.

We’ve cut out the middle-man to keep prices low for you!

Unless you’re 100% satisfied, you’ll get EVERY penny back.

This means, no matter which package you choose, you’re covered by our 365-day money-back guarantee.

Great! You’re about to take the most important step toward finally getting full relief for your everyday aches.

What I’ve just covered are the most common questions I get about SolarMax.

If you have more questions, feel free to call us at 1-800-856-5587.

Our customer support team is super friendly, and we’re available 24/7.

Those are our most common questions. Now, there is only one thing left to do.

It’s Your Turn to Give It a Try.

It’s YOUR turn to take your health back,
and finally start living a pain-free life.

You’ll have the freedom to enjoy a few rounds of golf with your buddies.

The freedom to go traveling with family and friends again.

And FINALLY STOP MISSING OUT on all the great moments that make life worth living.

Like roughhousing with the grandkids…
Giving them
piggyback rides…
And simply spending quality time with everyone you love and care about.

But to make this a reality…

It’s time to take ACTION.
And take that future into
your own hands.

So click the button below.

Take SolarMax for a “trial run” for the next 365 days.

And if You Want Your 3 Bonuses
and to Grab Your Supply at Half-Price…

I recommend taking the 3- or 6-bottle package.

Remember, you have absolutely nothing to lose.

Because unless you’re thrilled with SolarMax

You’ll get back EVERY penny.

I’ve done everything I can to make this decision as EASY as possible for you.

But you’ve got to take the first step.

And even after you order, you won’t be alone.

I’ll stay in touch with you every single day via email.

And you’ll get the motivation, support and encouragement you need to keep going.

I truly care about seeing you be free from pain.

But I can’t take the first step for you!

So scroll down right now.

Click the Button
on the Package You Want.

And fill out your details on the following page.

This is important!

Until you fill out your full details on the checkout page, we can’t ship your supply of SolarMax to you!

So take action now.

It’s your last chance to do it.

Scroll down and click the button below now.

I can’t wait to see you on the other side!

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle








































